Fundraising Auction Do's and Don'ts

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Organizing a fundraising auction is a big task, nonetheless it is possible. But before start, take these do's and don'ts as your guide to a better and more successful auction.


Do the planning carefully. Set your goal. Gather your team. Draw your plan. Delegate tasks. Prepare everything you need. Execute perfectly.

Get a corporate sponsor. Not only will it reduce your expenses, getting a corporate sponsor will also help you attract more people through corporate contacts or employees. Companies are less likely to refuse since it gives them exposure for a small amount. The thing is: You need them and they need you. Everyone benefits.

Define what auction you will use. You have 3 choices. You can use a regular auction, silent auction, or both. Each has its own pros and cons. It is up to you to decide what approach to take to make the most out of these types of auctions.

Do hire a professional charity auctioneer. Take note: "professional charity auctioneer". Regular auctioneers have a great skill of their own but a charity auctioneer knows how to execute a non-profit event very well.

Integrate the auction into a charity event. Often, a fundraising activity including charity auction is combined with an event. This helps draw invites and keep the guests entertained.


Don't set limitations on the type of auction goods to sell. If you want to gather enough funds for a cause, be ready to sell everything.

Don't assume that your guests know what to do. Not everyone has been to an auction or experienced bidding for an item at an auction. So keep each of your guests informed as to what they should expect during the actual event. Doing this allows you to connect with them personally. In return, your guests are well-informed on the cause of the event which can yield to better bidding results.

Don't spend too much on preparation. This is a fundraising event and your goal is to raise money. The last thing you want is to host an event that requires big money. Keep your budget to the minimum. Any amount you save is added to the money you earn.

Don't stress yourself out. While there are lots of things going on when preparing the fundraising event and during the auction itself, you don't have to stress yourself over the details too much. Trust your teammates. They will do the job as they're told.